
Sweetwater County, WY
BLM Wyoming Federal Lease Sale, March 21 and 22, 2018


Property Schedule

Due Diligence Began 3/21/2018
Bidding Started 3/21/2018
Bidding Ended 3/21/2018 12:28 PM
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Auction has ended
3/21/2018 10:28 AM MDT / 11:28 AM CDT
3/21/2018 11:28 AM MDT / 12:28 PM CDT
(Bonus + Agency Fees + Advanced Rental + 1.5% Buyer Premium)
Parcel Details
County, State
Sweetwater, WY
Legal Description
T.0260N, R.0920W, 06th PM, WY
Sec. 006 LOTS 1-7;
Sec. 006 S2NE,SENW,E2SW,SE;
Sec. 007 E2NE,E2SW,SE;
Sec. 018 LOTS 1-4;
Sec. 018 E2,E2W2;
Lander FO
Rental (1st Year)
Administrative Fee
Additional Information


All bidding and lease sale on BLM parcels listed on this website shall be subject to the statutes, administrative rules and regulations of the BLM per the authority of the Mineral Leasing Act of 1920 as amended and the Mineral Leasing Act for Acquired Lands of 1947, as amended.

A lease issued as a result of this sale will have a primary term of 10 years. It will continue beyond its primary term as long as oil or gas in paying quantities is produced on or for the benefit of the lease. Advance rental at $1.50 per acre for the first 5 years ($2 per acre after that) is due on or before the anniversary date each year until production begins. Once a lease is producing, you must pay a royalty of 12.5 percent of the value or the amount of production removed or sold from the lease. You will find other lease terms on our standard lease form (Form 3100-11, October 2008).


Stipulations are part of the lease and supersede any inconsistent provisions of the lease form. Some parcels are subject to surface use stipulations. They are requirements or restrictions on how you conduct operations. They become part of the lease and supersede any inconsistent provisions in the lease form. The stipulations can be found by clicking here.

  • Lease Notice No. 1
  • Lease Notice No. 2
  • Lease Notice No. 3
  • Lease Stipulation No. 1
  • Lease Stipulation No. 2
  • Lease Stipulation No. 3
  • NSO (1) No surface occupancy or use is allowed on slopes greater than 25 percent as mapped on the Lander Field Office GIS database; (2) protecting areas containing slopes greater than 25 percent.
  • NSO (1) No surface occupancy or use within 200 feet of occupied pygmy rabbit habitat as mapped in the Lander Field Office GIS database; (2) for the protection of occupied pygmy rabbit habitat.
  • TLS (1) Surface disturbing and disruptive activities are restricted or prohibited within 1 mile of bald eagle and ferruginous hawk nests and 3/4 mile of all other active raptor nests during the following time periods, Apr 1 to Aug 31 for northern goshawk, Apr 1 to Sep 15 for burrowing owl, Feb 1 to Aug 15 for bald eagles, Feb 1 to Jul 31 for all other raptors; (2) as mapped on the Lander Field Office GIS database; (3) for the protection of active raptor and/or eagle nests.
  • TLS (1) Surface-disturbing and disruptive activities are restricted or prohibited within 0.25 mile of identified mountain plover habitat Apr 10 to Jul 10; (2) as mapped on the Lander GIS database; (3) for the protection of mountain plover nesting habitat.
  • TLS (1) Surface disturbing and disruptive activities are restricted or prohibited Mar 15 to Jun 30; (2) as mapped on the Lander Field Office GIS database; (3) to seasonally protect Greater Sage-Grouse breeding, nesting and early brood-rearing habitats from disruptive activities inside designated core areas.
  • TLS (1) Surface disturbing and disruptive activities are restricted or prohibited Dec 1 to Mar 14; (2) as mapped on the Lander Field Office GIS database; (3) to seasonally protect Greater Sage-Grouse winter concentration areas.
  • CSU (1) Surface occupancy or use will be restricted on slopes between 15 and 24 percent; (2) as mapped on the Lander Field Office GIS database; (3) to protect areas containing slopes between 15 and 24 percent.
  • CSU (1) Surface occupancy or use will be restricted to no more than an average of one oil and gas or mining locations per 640 acres using the DDCT, and the cumulative value of all applicable surface disturbances, existing or future, must not exceed 5 percent of the DDCT area, as described in the Disturbance Density Calculation Tool manual (DDCT); (2) as mapped on the Lander Field Office GIS database; (3) to protect greater sage-grouse designated Core Area from habitat fragmentation and loss. This lease does not guarantee the lessee the right to occupy the surface of the lease for the purpose of producing oil and natural gas within Greater Sage-Grouse designated Core Area. The surface occupancy restriction criteria identified in this stipulation may preclude surface occupancy and may be beyond the ability of the lessee to meet due to existing surface disturbance on Federal, State, or private lands within designated core areas, or surface disturbance created by other land users. The BLM may require the lessee or operator to enter into a unit agreement or drilling easement to facilitate the equitable development of this and surrounding leases.


Completions from the last 365 days in Sweetwater County, Wyoming

Click here to view full screen
Click here to view full screen

Drilling Permits from the last 365 days in Sweetwater County, Wyoming

Click here to view full screen
Click here to view full screen

Drilling Rigs on location in Sweetwater County, Wyoming

Click here to view full screen
Click here to view full screen


After all auctions have closed, the successful bidder will be notified via email with closing instructions, including total amount due.

On the day of the sale, you must pay at least the minimum bonus bid of $2 per acre or fraction of an acre; the first year's advance rental of $1.50 per acre or fraction of an acre; and a non-refundable administrative fee of $160, to the BLM State Office by the close of business.


A 1.5% Buyer Premium, calculated as 1.5% of the total bonus, will be added to the cost of this lease.



John S. Munroe
VP of Engineering / Government Lease Sales
(832) 403-3122
Email: John.Munroe@energynet.com

Gus Rivero
Manager of Government Lease Sales
(806) 463-3616
Email: Gus.Rivero@energynet.com

Brandon Savage
Assistant Manager of Government Lease Sales
(806) 463-3621
Email: Brandon.Savage@energynet.com

Bid History (Top 10)




Bidder #49

3/21/2018 12:15:49 PM


Bidder #66

3/21/2018 12:27:52 PM


Bidder #49

3/21/2018 12:15:49 PM


Bidder #80

3/21/2018 12:27:30 PM


Bidder #49

3/21/2018 12:15:49 PM


Bidder #17

3/21/2018 12:20:13 PM


Bidder #49

3/21/2018 12:15:49 PM
