Parcel #92

Campbell County, WY
Wyoming Office of State Lands and Investments Oil & Gas Lease Sale, March 9, 2022


Property Schedule

Due Diligence Began 1/27/2022
Bidding Started 3/2/2022
Bidding Ended 3/9/2022 12:02 PM
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Parcel #92
Auction has ended
3/2/2022 11:02 AM MST / 12:02 PM CST
3/9/2022 11:02 AM MST / 12:02 PM CST
(Bonus + Agency Fees + Advanced Rental + 2% Buyer Premium)
Parcel Details
Parcel No.
Parcel #92
County, State
Campbell, WY
Legal Description
T47N, R71W
Sec 35 W2NE
Gross Acres
Net Acres
1, 117, 136
Royalty Rate
Rental/Acre (Per Year)
WY Advertising Fee
WY Application Fee
Lease Terms and Conditions

The Wyoming Board of Land Commissioners may deny an oil and gas lease to any person or legal entity which has failed to comply with any rules of the Board or any terms and conditions of any lease or other agreement with the Board.

On lands in which the State owns less than the entire interest in the oil and gas estate, a lease will be issued by the Board covering the State's interest independent of the other co-owners.

The Wyoming Board of Land Commissioners may, without prior notice, withdraw specific lands from leasing for oil and gas when it appears reasonably necessary to protect the economic or environmental interests of the State's trust beneficiaries.

All leases resulting from winning bids will be issued on the lease form currently in effect as approved by the Wyoming Board of Land Commissioners as lessor; will be issued for a primary term of five (5) years; will be charged advance rental of $1.00 per acre per year; and, will be subject to a royalty rate of 16.67% of the total consideration received for state production.

There is no assurance that there is any potential for production on any tract offered for leasing by the Wyoming Board of Land Commissioners.

Lease Stipulations

The Wyoming Board of Land Commissioners may condition the issuance of any oil and gas lease upon specific stipulations for the protection of the public, the environment, the waters of the State, historical, archeological or paleontological materials, the wildlife resources, or any of the subsurface or surface resources of the State. Summary of stipulations can be found on the attached Standard Stipulation guide.

Successful Bidder Notification

After all auctions have closed, the successful bidder will be notified via email with closing instructions, including total amount due.

Payment must be made within two business days.

Buyer Premium

A 2% Buyer Premium, calculated as 2% of the total bonus, will be added to the cost of this lease.

Wyoming Office of State Lands and Investments Points of Contact

Mineral Leasing Supervisor
Richard Shanor


(307) 777-6635

Lands Management Specialist
Dianna L. Wolvin


(307) 777-6625

EnergyNet Point of Contact

Government Resources

(877) 351-4488

Bid History (Top 10)




Bidder #954

3/9/2022 11:50:30 AM


Bidder #649

3/9/2022 12:01:56 PM


Bidder #954

3/9/2022 11:48:43 AM
